Fireworks worth lighting
Est 1998
Light up the sky with our fantastic range of Quality Garden & Display fireworks to suit all budgets
Call 01303 264441 to arrange
Retail fireworks Terms & Conditions
Free local delivery only applies upto & Inc 31st Oct with orders over £100 and is not subject to any other discount.
It is illegal for any person under the age of 18 to purchase fireworks, by agreeing to purchase you confirm that you are over the age of 18.
On delivery and collection, if it is deemed necessary, we will require proof of age before handing over any fireworks. In the event that it is clear that the person ordering is under age, we will refuse the delivery/sale.
All information included on this website is provided in good faith. Please note that most of our descriptions are as supplied by the manufacturer. Descriptions and videos of effects may differ from the actual product supplied due to various reasons including changes in the manufacturing process. All descriptions, product measurements and timings are to be treated as an approximate guide. We do our very best to ensure that these are 100% accurate, however we accept no liability for any errors.
We reserve the right to make substitutions of a greater or equal value where necessary.
All special offers are subject to availability, while stock lasts, one per customer.
The free additional fireworks offers are given at our discretion as close to the % free amount as reasonable
and cannot be used in conjunction with any other special offers.
Where the total amount of explosives contained in any fireworks supplied to an individual or company is greater than 50 kg net weight, we are required by The Fireworks Regulations 2004 to obtain the name and address of the person we are supplying the fireworks to, the date of supply, and the details of any person to whom our customer proposes to further supply the fireworks to. We are not able to supply you with the fireworks unless you provide us with this information, and it is an offence to supply information that you know or believe to be incorrect.
Payment is accepted by cash,credt card, debit card. All goods remain the property of Universal Fireworks Ltd until payment is received in full. In the event that payment is rejected we reserve the right to recover the goods. Security and risk of damage to goods is the responsibility of the purchaser from the moment collection or delivery takes place.
Professional Display Terms & Conditions
Universal fireworks Obligations
Universal Fireworks shall provide a display of fireworks as agreed/quoted on the display date for the organisers.
Universal Fireworks shall be entitled to alter the Display from that originally agreed in negotiations with the Organisers in the event of non-availability of materials, prohibitive weather conditions, staff or regulations of any public or other authority necessitating such alteration.
The Organisers Obligations
The Organisers shall pay a deposit of 20% of the total contract price on the signing of this contract
The Organisers shall pay the balance of the total contract price no later than 14 days prior to the display
The Organisers shall arrange Universal Fireworks access to the Display Site from the agreed time on the display date so as to be able to set up the display.
Cancellation by the client up to four weeks prior to the display date will result in the 20% deposit being kept with no further payments payable.
Cancellation by the client between two and four weeks will result in a 50% charge of the full fee.
Cancellation by the client between 48 hours and two weeks will result in a 70% charge of the full fee.
Cancellation by the client within 48 hours of the start of display will result in the full amount being due.
Universal Fireworks will do everything possible to ensure that the display goes ahead however, we reserve the right to cancel without compensation on the grounds of safety.
Anyone of the following conditions may result in the cancellation of the display:
Inadequate safety distance.
Poor crowd control and / or lack of stewards.
Livestock in close proximity to the display site.
Adverse weather conditions such as high winds, extremely heavy rainfall (flooding), lightning
or drought conditions.
Force Majeure.
In such circumstances the company reserves the right to charge the client the full amount of the display or credit part of the display costs as the circumstances dictate.
If due to poor weather conditions the display is cancelled by the company after consultation with the client the company reserves the right to charge the client the full amount of the display or credit part
of the display costs as the circumstances dictate.
The amount of refund payable by the company to the client in this instance shall be no more than 50% for your first £500, 30% for £501-£1,000 and 20% for the remaining balance.
The senior firer will make his decision on firing a display based on the safety of the pyrotechnic crew the public and property involved. His decision is final and binding and will not be swayed by financial gains or losses by the client or company set against the safety of the persons involved either directly or indirectly
Please note that we have never had reason to cancel a display.
1 The Organiser means the person or company whose name and address appears on the display booking confirmation form.
2 Conditions mean the terms and conditions herein.
3 Contract means the agreement by the company to provide and the client to pay for such services as listed on the display booking form or this contract document, signed by the client or an authorised person on behalf of the client.
4 The Company means Universal Fireworks (Uk) Ltd.
5 Display means one or more firework displays referred to on the booking confirmation form more particularly requested by the client.